Want the ‘inside scoop’ on what successful health coaches are doing to consistently find new clients?

Is this you?

You thought when you graduated as a Health Coach that clients would be knocking on your door. But you soon realized this is far from the case.

You are blogging, posting on social media, doing your newsletter and still NOTHING. No clients. And the worst part… you can’t figure out what you are doing wrong.

In this NEW 4-part interview series, I’m pulling back the curtain to reveal the real life success stories of fellow health coaches.

They are openly sharing their secrets to successfully building their businesses, and how you can too!

Find out how each health coach is attracting new clients consistently (You can model these examples in your business)

Discover the types of programs that spark the most interest and lead to generating more income

* Learn some of the major pitfalls to watch out for so you can avoid wasting time, energy and money  (These coaches share some of the mistakes they made when they started out so you can learn from their lessons!)

In this 4-part video interview series you’ll discover what is ACTUALLY working
right NOW!

Stop struggling and start doing what works… TODAY!

Health Coach
Success Secrets

4 Part Video Series
by Health Coach Solutions

  Health Coach Solutions
Kathleen LeGrys
My mission is to provide health coaches with the tools and resources they need to have a thriving business and help their clients get the best results. I love what I do!  And I put together this video series to support you in having a thriving coaching business as well!

~ Kathleen LeGrys

Certified Health Coach, IIN, AADP
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, NASM
Certified Holistic Life Coach, NESTA
"WOW!  Fantastic interview series!

It’s always so helpful to find out what other health coaches are doing to build their businesses.  I love the practical tips and different strategies that were shared during the interviews.

Very inspiring!

Thanks for putting together such a value-packed resource."

Laura McDonald, CHC, CPT